What is the relationship between fair and law

What is the relationship between fair and law?  Does one influence the other?  Does public opinion play a role in how the courts (especially the Supreme Court of the U.S.) interpret the law?  Does this information help you predict how the law may or may not change?

Healthcare ethics, also referred to as medical ethics or bioethics, is a set of moral principles, beliefs, and values that guide us in making choices about medical care. In the United States, there are four main principles that define the ethical duties healthcare professionals owe to patients: (1) Autonomy, (2) Beneficence, (3) Nonmaleficence, and (4) Justice.

Define and discuss these four principles. In your discussion, provide a healthcare related example of each principle (you can provide an example of either preserving or neglecting).

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Exploring the rate of seasonal-pattern depression in an Inuit community

discussion 1 week 2/ what I posted

Identify the methodology, design, and rationale of the below titles.

1.         Exploring the rate of seasonal-pattern depression in an Inuit community

The methodology analyzes rate of depression of an intuit town.  The design is quantitative based on weather and the study of depression.  Quantitative research is based on a cause and effect relationshi  The study results would produce numerical data in a Quasi-experimental study.  The rationale is based on how similar the behavior patterns and weather patterns coincide.

2.         Democracy in America

The methodology suggests that there is only democracy in America.  The design is qualitative based as it implicates that America is only democratic. Qualitative research produces subjective data concerning opinions of individua  The rationale is an opinion there is much democracy in America.

3.         The relationship between compassion fatigue and burnout among critical care nurses

The methodology discloses fatigue, compassion, and burnout as feelings of highly demand nurses. The design is qualitative based as it focuses on highly demand critical care nurses and extreme feelings.  The rationale is that nurses work with little breaks and may experience these feelings which are subjective in nature.

4.         Two drugs for Alzheimer’s show promise

The methodology is suggestive advertising for a pharmaceutical company.  The design is based on quantitative research as an experimental study.  The rationale is that the medications may have potential for improving symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

5.         Evaluating technology with student success

The methodology suggests that evaluating student success can be accomplished with technology.  The design is suggestive of a qualitative study as it can be based on an opinion and experience of students.  This study can be two-fold to evaluate technology based on student success.  The rationale being that a student benefits with technology in order to be a fully successful student.

6.         Factors that influence weight control among women

The methodology implies that a list of factors may follow and the qualitative design relates how these factors make it difficult for women to maintain their weight. The rationale is that difficulty in weight control is more for women and these related factors explain why.

7.         The meaning of living with brain injury and stroke 10 years after the injury

The methodology is irony because life after a brain injury and stroke is difficult and has many challenges.  The qualitative design of the title is meant to make one believe that life afterwards is not as bad as one may believe.   The rationale is that an individual may live in a vegetative state and would not gain much fulfillment in life after these incidents.

8.         Exploring the beliefs of healing among Aborigines

The methodology anticipates research to be completed and the qualitative design is based on the healing powers of the Aborigines.  The rationale being that Aborigines have special powers and healing beliefs that assist one to heal.

“Nurses must remain alert to provide safe care, recognize discrete changes in patient conditions, and intercept potentially dangerous errors in medication and procedural orders”As nurses we work long hours shift, short break and workload. Patient safety can be at risk due to nurses fatigue exposing our self to make a medical error.



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