Week 2 Finding Information

Week 2 Finding Information

Resources: Ch. 9 of Reaching Audiences and the University Library
Locate at least three articles through the University Library that are potential sources for your project topic.
Locate a recent news story related to your topic from at least three different news aggregators: Google News, Bing News, Yahoo News, or others.
Write a 350- to 700-word evaluating and comparing the process of using the University Library versus the news aggregators in terms ofaccessibility and usability. Support your claims with specific examples of the information you found.
Evaluate your findings using the criteria for establishing credibility from your Pre-Search Questions and Application assignment in BSCOM 240 Week 1.
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.

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Week 2 Finding Information
Innovationin HIMS  Please respond to the following:
  • Compare and contrast the functionality and efficiency of the complaint-push model and data-pull model within the process of health care service delivery. Recommend a strategy improving the effectiveness of each method for delivering patient care.
  • Determine a significant aspect of a complex health care system that represents barriers to a more rapid diffusion of HIT. Next, suggest how these barriers can be removed or minimized. Support your rationale.
“HIT Management and Implementation”  Please respond to the following:
  • Determine a key process in the delivery of health care services that would be more efficient and effective through the application of a specific model of HIT. Support your response.
  • Analyze the barriers to the implementation of HIMS in a complex adaptive system (CAS). Propose a strategy to help reduce the level of resistance from the clinical staff during a transition from CAS to HIMS innovations. Provide a rationale to support your response.

Use either the data one of your Learning Team members retained from RES/351 or the data from University of Phoenix Material: Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc., Part 1.

Discuss with your team whether you have data from RES/351, and if your team would like to use one team member’s data for the Learning Team assignments in this course.

If using data from RES/351:

Resources: Data collected from RES/351

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word written report along with a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft®PowerPoint® presentation for the senior management team or stakeholders of your RES/351 research project to present your findings.

Address the following:

  • Present the chosen situation as an overview—problem, purpose, research questions, and hypotheses.
  • Describe the instrument used for data collection.
  • Identify types of data—quantitative, quantitative, or both—and how the data is collected.
  • Identify the level of measurement for each of the variables involved in the study.
  • Code the data if you have not done so. Describe how the data is coded and evaluate the procedure used.
  • Clean the data by eliminating the data input errors made.
  • Draw conclusions about appropriateness of the data to meet the purpose of the study.

If you decide not to use your own data, you can use the Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc., case study overview:

Resources: University of Phoenix Material: Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc., Part 1

Review the Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc. (BIMS), Part 1 case study overview.

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word written report along with a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft®PowerPoint® presentation for the senior management team to present your findings (see Exhibit B for the data set of the second survey).

Address the following:

  • Present the BIMS situation as an overview—problem, purpose, research questions, and hypotheses.
  • Describe the instrument used for data collection.
  • Identify types of data collected—quantitative, qualitative, or both—and how the data is collected.
  • Identify the level of measurement for each of the variables involved in the study.
  • Code the data if you have not done so. Describe how the data is coded and evaluate the procedure used.
  • Clean the data by eliminating the data input errors made.
  • Draw conclusions about appropriateness of the data to meet the purpose of the study.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Note. As consultants to BIMS, your Learning Team is expected to prepare and deliver a professional product addressing the client’s needs.



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