Nursing Informatics Directions:

Nursing Informatics

Directions: THis written assignment is to be completed according the APA format for scholarly papers. Review the YoutTube videos for information on seeting up an APA paper. In a 3 to 5 page paper (excluding the title and reference page): 1. Define and Discuss Informatics 2.Discuss the Theory of Informatics. 3. Give examples of informatics being used in hospitals, clinics, freestanding diagnostic centers, freestanding laboratory’s, quality control tools. What types of informatics (programs and concepts) are reflected in the literature? 4. Discuss advantages and challenges. 5. Describe a couple of these future developments and discuss their impact on and uses in healthcare. 6. A conclusion is a summary of what was stated in the paper. For this assignment, in a addition to your summary, you are to include your personal thoughts about the use of infomatics in healthcare, identify your experience with informatics, and what do you see as your needs to advance you knowledge of tools available to utilize the concept of informatics in health care delivery. 7. This assignment will require peer-reviewed research. See the tutorials on using the library and the article on What Is A Peer Reviewed Article. You may use you text book, but it is not a peer reviewed journal. 8. Nursing journals are preferred but other professional peer reviewed journals are acceptable………….

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Historical Events in Nursing Development and Nursing Utilization

This paper examines five historical events in the history of nursing development and nursing utilization. Such examples of this are: Florence Nightingale’s contribution; development of the first Masters Degree Program; Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) established; Nursing Research published; and published clinical practice guidelines by the AHCPR (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 10).

Events in Nursing Development

Florence Nightingale’s contribution of researching the importance of providing for cleanliness, water purity, diet, and fresh air in order to improve the outcomes of client recovery was the beginning of nursing research (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 9). This research provided knowledge that influenced clinical nursing practice. The importance of this research remains evident today as hand washing remains the number one deterrent to infection.

Development of the first Masters Degree Program at Yale University in 1929 allowed for the expansion of educational opportunities for nurses (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 9). This program allows for nurses with an MSN to lead a health care team in making changes in nursing practice and within the health care system based on research (Burns & Grove, p. 7). MSN trained nurses may also collaborate in projects wit other nurse scientists (Burns & Grove, p. 7). The development of the Masters Degree Program at Yale University allowed for the generation of refining the existing knowledge and increasing the existing knowledge base that influences clinical nursing practice which provides for a higher degree of nursing research development (Burns & Grove, p. 490). Evidence of the need for higher learning opportunities remains evident as more nurses are going on to higher levels of learning and continue to generate more knowledge in nursing research.

In 1989 the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) was established (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 10). The AHCPR was established to make improvements to the direction of outcomes research (Burns & Grove, p. 12). Outcome research is used to examine the outcomes of client care which influences clinical nursing practice (Burns & Grove, p. 490). The ongoing need is evident in today’s nursing practice as client’s needs are ever increasing and becoming more difficult to manage.

Events in Nursing Utilization

Nursing Research was first published in 1952 (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 10). Due to increased research activity in the 1940’s Nursing Research was produced and became the first nursing research journal published (Burns & Grove, p. 9). Nursing Research continues to remain in print with coverage of key issues in health promotion, acute care nursing research, community-based nursing studies, latest research techniques, quantitative and qualitative studies, and information that is not yet in textbooks (Nursing Research, n.d.). This journal allows for continuing updates in the field of nursing research to be reviewed and applied to existing practices in a health-care facility.

The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) first published clinical practice guidelines in 1989 (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 10). These guidelines combined the most current research findings with directives for practice that were developed by experts in different areas of study (Burns & Grove, p. 12). In the 1990’s some of these guidelines were published and provided nursing and medicine with standards for practice (Nursing Research, n.d., p. 12). This allowed for communication and use of the knowledge generated in their research to affect and change some of the existing practices in the health-care system (Burns & Grove, p. 438).

The above events in nursing development and nursing utilization have provided for findings that help to improve the nursing practice. Although the many developments in nursing research have come about over the years there continues to be a rapidly expanding scientific knowledge base due to even newer findings by nurses and other health professionals utilizing a variety of different research methods (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 8). As long as there are questions to be that need to be asked and answered the need for nursing research and utilization will be at the forefront of the nursing profession.


Burns, & Grove, (2003). Understanding nursing research, 3rd ed. W. B. Saunders, an Elsevier Imprint. Retrieved April 10, 2006, from University of Phoenix, rEsource, NUR 429 Web site:

Nursing Research (n.d.). . Retrieved April 17, 2006, from
Historical Events in Nursing Development and Nursing Utilization

This paper examines five historical events in the history of nursing development and nursing utilization. Such examples of this are: Florence Nightingale’s contribution; development of the first Masters Degree Program; Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) established; Nursing Research published; and published clinical practice guidelines by the AHCPR (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 10).

Events in Nursing Development

Florence Nightingale’s contribution of researching the importance of providing for cleanliness, water purity, diet, and fresh air in order to improve the outcomes of client recovery was the beginning of nursing research (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 9). This research provided knowledge that influenced clinical nursing practice. The importance of this research remains evident today as hand washing remains the number one deterrent to infection.

Development of the first Masters Degree Program at Yale University in 1929 allowed for the expansion of educational opportunities for nurses (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 9). This program allows for nurses with an MSN to lead a health care team in making changes in nursing practice and within the health care system based on research (Burns & Grove, p. 7). MSN trained nurses may also collaborate in projects wit other nurse scientists (Burns & Grove, p. 7). The development of the Masters Degree Program at Yale University allowed for the generation of refining the existing knowledge and increasing the existing knowledge base that influences clinical nursing practice which provides for a higher degree of nursing research development (Burns & Grove, p. 490). Evidence of the need for higher learning opportunities remains evident as more nurses are going on to higher levels of learning and continue to generate more knowledge in nursing research.

In 1989 the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) was established (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 10). The AHCPR was established to make improvements to the direction of outcomes research (Burns & Grove, p. 12). Outcome research is used to examine the outcomes of client care which influences clinical nursing practice (Burns & Grove, p. 490). The ongoing need is evident in today’s nursing practice as client’s needs are ever increasing and becoming more difficult to manage.

Events in Nursing Utilization

Nursing Research was first published in 1952 (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 10). Due to increased research activity in the 1940’s Nursing Research was produced and became the first nursing research journal published (Burns & Grove, p. 9). Nursing Research continues to remain in print with coverage of key issues in health promotion, acute care nursing research, community-based nursing studies, latest research techniques, quantitative and qualitative studies, and information that is not yet in textbooks (Nursing Research, n.d.). This journal allows for continuing updates in the field of nursing research to be reviewed and applied to existing practices in a health-care facility.

The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) first published clinical practice guidelines in 1989 (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 10). These guidelines combined the most current research findings with directives for practice that were developed by experts in different areas of study (Burns & Grove, p. 12). In the 1990’s some of these guidelines were published and provided nursing and medicine with standards for practice (Nursing Research, n.d., p. 12). This allowed for communication and use of the knowledge generated in their research to affect and change some of the existing practices in the health-care system (Burns & Grove, p. 438).

The above events in nursing development and nursing utilization have provided for findings that help to improve the nursing practice. Although the many developments in nursing research have come about over the years there continues to be a rapidly expanding scientific knowledge base due to even newer findings by nurses and other health professionals utilizing a variety of different research methods (Burns & Grove, 2003, p. 8). As long as there are questions to be that need to be asked and answered the need for nursing research and utilization will be at the forefront of the nursing profession.



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