Implementation of the Care Plan

Implementation of the Care Plan


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Nursing diagnosis

Based on research data, it is evident that African Americans are at high risk of suffering from respiratory diseases. This based on comparative analysis between the rates of respiratory infection between African Americans and Mexican Americans among other communities in the United States. Of the general African American population, the women are at higher risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This is attributed to the fact that the popularity of cigarette have risen among the women in the last decade. Further, based on the current statistics, the prediction by world health organization that chronic obstruction pulmonary disease will be the third leading cause of deaths among the general population is possible if the character of women concerning smoking does not change among the African Americans.

This population is also at a higher risk of suffering and dying from lung cancer. The likelihood of the population men suffering from the illness is higher than that of the population’s women. The data up on which this diagnosis is built indicates that for this population men, 37% are at risk of suffering from lung cancer while 22.5% are at risk of dying from the disorder. The population is also at a high risk of developing sarcoidosis. The adolescent population of this aggregate are at higher risk of suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. This as a result of the unawareness among this population.

Intervention mechanisms for the respiratory illnesses.

Creating awareness on indoor air pollution among the population

In most cases, the general society takes it that air pollution is caused by emissions from the industries and moving vehicle. This is just but outside air pollution. There is the concept of indoor air pollution which this population should understand and get an insight of how it happens. Smoking is the major cause of indoor air pollution in the African American families (American Lung Association, 2010). This is associated with the increased popularity of cigarette among this population. Studies have indicated that the levels of air pollutants can be two to five times indoors that the situation with the outside air pollution. Smoking indoors increases the level of second hand smoke. This is the smoke inhaled by the nonsmokers in an environment of the people smoking. This second hand smoke increases the likelihood of an individual suffering from respiratory disorders such as cancer and sudden infant death syndrome (American Lung Association, 2010).

The issue with this population is the lack of awareness. Majority of the smokers are not aware of the effect their lifestyle have on the family members and those around them. Apart from their habit increasing their chances of developing the complications, it increases the chances of the others around them too to suffer from the illnesses. Creation of this awareness among the population would help reduce their public smoking habits and possible result to a change in their smoking lifestyle to nonsmokers.

Creation of community based intervention team

There is the need to take this fight back to this community. This strategy involves forming a respiratory diseases and illnesses intervention team within the African American community. The intervention team would be composed of various kinds of people from the community. The first group is the healthy people. These are individuals who have not contracted the illness yet. They are included in this group for two purposes. One is to learn from the group and two is to help spread the information from the group to the others in the community. The second group is those people who are at higher risk of suffering any of these illnesses. This could be based on prior hospital diagnosis, environmental factors such as living with smokers among others (American Lung Association, 2010). There are in the team to learn about the illnesses and how their can stay safe from them being that they are at higher risk, secondly, there are in the team to learn on how they can change the situation and thus creating a positive health change in their society.

The third group is a team of medical professionals among them being nurses and doctors based in the community. They must be professionals with cross cultural skill and competencies. Their role in the team is to provide medical advices to the team members, train the team members and also offer medical services to the sick individuals in the society (BMJ, 2010). The overall aim of the intervention team is to create public awareness concerning respiratory diseases. The team will be performing an act of public education and campaign as a strategy to reducing the rates of respiratory illness among African Americans.

Usual medical care

The next intervention strategy is provision of usual medical care to the members of this population who are already suffering from the respiratory illnesses. Other that being at higher risk of suffering from the illnesses, it is also diagnosed that the members of this population are at higher risk of dying from the respiratory illnesses. This intervention mechanism is aimed at reducing the death rates caused by respiratory diseases in this population (BMJ, 2010). This intervention will require the participation of the national government in collaboration with the ministry of health at the various levels.

Disasters affecting this population

Other than health care problems affecting the population, there are also natural disasters that impacts this population a lot. Natural disasters that this population are at high risk of suffering from are floods and Hurricanes. This diagnosis is based on the research finding that indicates that a quarter of the African American population lives in the regions vulnerable to hurricanes. These regions includes Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi (Black & Mycology, 2017). The research further indicates that their neighborhoods tends to have a nonexistent flood prevention infrastructure. These two factors coupled increases the likelihood of this population suffering from the impacts of the named disasters. Other that the destruction of property that the disasters comes with, there are health risks that they exposes this population to. Among them being spread of diseases as a result of bursting of the sewage and drainage pipes. The other factor that puts this population at higher risk of being impacted by the disasters is the lack of preparedness.

Disaster management strategies.

Creation of disaster preparedness culture.

This is the first strategy that needs to be employed. It may be impossible to prevent the floods and hurricanes from occurring but is possible to raise the level of preparedness among this population. This would involve conducting public campaigns and education aimed at increasing the population awareness of their risk level of being hit by any of the disasters. This will help eliminate the low level of preparedness that results to advanced impacts of the disaster o the community. These campaigns are to aim at educating the community of how to develop a proper disaster preparedness and management plan within their homes and social settings.

Government intervention

The other strategy is to involve the government in helping reduce the impact of the disaster on this community. Research has indicated lack of drainage infrastructure in their regions of residence as a factors increasing the disaster impact (Black & Mycology, 2017). This is a role played by the local and the national government. This document proposes that the local and national government conducts assessment to determine the capability of the regions to manage the floods and hurricanes. Where there is need for adjustment, the necessary adjustments needs to be done.

Healthcare system preparedness

There is need for the community healthcare providers to stay on the alert. Once warnings of impending disaster is sounded, the healthcare systems both in these regions and at the national levels needs to begin their preparation on how they will handle casualties of the disaster in the event there is any. This level of preparedness eliminates confusion and chaos that may occur once the disaster have happened.



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