Food Journal Nursing NR 228 Nutrition

Food Journal Nursing NR 228 Nutrition

Food Journal Name Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness Date or Term Introduction Title of Paper Goes Here (Centered, not bolded) In this first paragraph, share that you have recorded your food intake and exercise habits over a certain period of time. Explain why proper nutrition and exercise is important. Explain the purpose of the paper in the first paragraph. Be sure to use in text citations as applicable (following APA format). Analyzing the First Two Weeks In this section you should share how your food intake and exercise compares to what is recommended. Address your calorie intake compared to what is recommended. Address your fat, sodium, and cholesterol intake compared to what is recommended. Address what other nutrients (such as calcium, protein, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, etc.) you consumed adequate amounts of. Address what nutrients you consumed inadequate amounts of (either too much or too little of). Address how your activity level compares to what is recommended. What potential implications do these findings have on your overall health (including what health risks these findings may have, or what health benefits your findings possibly give you)? Be sure to use in text citations as applicable (following APA format). Creating a New Plan State what your three worst dietary habits are. Why are they considered bad habits? What health risks are associated with these bad habits? State your three best dietary habits. Why are they considered good habits? What health benefits are associated with these good habits? What do you need to change about your current diet and exercise routines? What nutrients do you need to increase? What nutrients do you need to decrease? What nutrients are okay staying the same? Provide resources and rationale on why these changes need to take place. What needs to change with your current physical activity level and why? Be sure to provide in text citations as applicable (following APA format). Resources help to support or to justify your statements, and give them credibility. List 2 short term goals for improving your diet and why you chose these goals. Remember goals need to be measurable, realistic, and achievable. Be sure to write your goals so they can be measured. Why are these goals important? List 2 long term goals for improving your diet and why you chose these goals. Remember goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and achievable. (SMART format!) Be sure to write your goals so they can be measured. Why are these goals important? List 1 short term goal for improving your physical activity and why you chose this goal. Remember goals need to be measurable, realistic, and achievable. Be sure to write your goals so they can be measured. Why is this goal important? List 1 long term goal for improving your physical activity and why you chose this goal. Remember goals need to be measurable, realistic, and achievable. Be sure to write your goals so they can be measured. Why is this goal important? Modifications Once you take a look at the first 2 weeks of your food journal, in week 3, what changes did you make as a result of analyzing the first 2 weeks? List at least 3 changes you made in that third week related to diet and exercise as a result of looking at your food journal. Have you been successful so far with achieving these changes? If so, share how you are achieving the changes and how you plan to maintain these modifications. If you were unsuccessful in achieving the changes you implemented, why were you unsuccessful and what strategies can you implement to help you achieve these modifications? How have these changes made you feel up to this point (ex. increased energy, improved sleep, improved attitude, etc.). Summary Summarize your experience with the food journal in this section. List at least 2 important items you learned about yourself and your health as a result of this assignment. Share if you plan to continue to utilize the food journal to help you improve and/or maintain your diet and exercise routines. How will this benefit you and your family? Again—here you need to include references, so that you can support the conclusions you have come to with regard to the changes you have made, and why! Remember, references will give your statements credibility!

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References need to be in alphabetical order. They must also follow APA format. If you are using a website for a reference, be sure to include the author(s), year, title of webpage and then the URL. References need to be in alphabetical order. They must also follow APA format. If you are using a website for a reference, be sure to include the author(s), year, title of webpage and then the URL. You should be including more than just the class text in your paper for this assignment. Using professional websites, nursing journals, etc. is highly recommended. Additional Information for this Assignment This section is not part of your paper. It simply provides some additional helpful tips. 1. Be sure you follow proper APA format throughout the paper. 2. Be sure the paper is at least 3 pages long (not including the title page or reference page). 3. Be sure your paper is in the proper format. 4. Be sure your references are from professional, reliable, and credible sources. 5. Be sure you are providing in text citations and make sure the source listed on the in text citation is also on your reference page. 6. Be sure to proof read your assignment before submitting. It may help to read your paper out loud so you can actually hear how your paper reads. 7. Your paper will be reviewed by Turnitin to assess for plagiarism, so be sure to use your own words! 8. Look for spelling and grammatical errors. As college students, there should be no spelling errors and very minimal to no grammatical errors. 9. Smarthinking is a resource available through the course and is an option for you to use. You must plan ahead in order to use this source as you will need to submit your paper to Smarthinking with enough time for it to get reviewed and comments returned to you. Remember this is a tool to help with grammar, spelling, format, etc.; however, it does not guarantee you maximum points as you must also be sure to fully address each component of the assignment in detail. 10. Review the grading rubric as this is what the instructors utilize as a grading tool. Make sure you are addressing each section of the grading rubric for the best chance to earn maximum points. I highly recommend you do not wait until the last minute to submit your paper. You never know how your computer will act and points will be deducted (following late policy) as applicable. No excuses related to computer issues can be accepted (in online classes, this is comparable to saying “the dog ate my homework”). Please plan ahead and give yourself enough time, so if a computer issue does arise, you have time to troubleshoot and still avoid submitting late. If you do have computer issues during submission, be sure to contact tech support, get a ticket number, and notify your instructor of the issue and provide the ticket number to the instructor. Always be sure to contact your instructor if you have any questions.

Food Journal Nursing NR 228 Nutrition


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